Monday, May 31, 2010

Breaking the Grid. @ 5:09 PM

I have always geeked out about school supplies, and graph paper is an old favorite that I am completely obsessed with! That's why when I saw these Knock-Knock sticky notes blankly staring at me from the impulse buy section at the checkout, I couldn't take my eyes off them.

Now I've got 100 sticky notes displaying a grid duo of these adorable tiny squares. They make the perfect little sidekick to my Moleskin squared notebook. Can't wait to use them. (So many great uses already come to mind.)

It has recently occurred to me that I don't like to use up the pages of my notebooks and sketchbooks because I'm afraid I will be sad when I run out. Does anybody else have this Filled Sketchbook Phobia?

One of my summer resolutions is to break this habit. Perhaps it's time to bust out my copy of Wrek This Journal. (Another one I've been too afraid to scribble in.)

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

My Little Friends @ 1:14 PM

Aren't these guys just adorable?

Every time I step outside for some fresh summer air, these two little vintage owl planters make me smile. I've named them Scooter & Bloom.

Today, I filled them up with this lovely pair of cacti that Will & I stumbled across last week during a rainy afternoon filled with errands. We spent 30 minutes changing our minds over & over until we found the perfect match.

I think we made a good choice by taking these two home.

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Hello World! @ 11:52 PM

Somehow you've stumbled across this blog in the vast internet world.

Perhaps this is the beginning to many more entries filled with art, inspiring people, vintage treasures, lovely homes, photography, nature, randomness, good pure food, words of wisdom, crafts, beautiful design, stories, fashion, and whatever random thing I've stumbled across that makes my heart beat a little bit faster.

I guess it would be appropriate to include an introduction in my first post.

I'm a 21 year old graphic design student at O'More College of Design in Franklin, TN. I've always known this is what I wanted to do, and everyday I am more amazed that I am actually getting to do what I love.

I spend my days creating art, reading books & blogs, scavenging through other people's trash at garage sales & thrift stores, day dreaming, exploring middle Tennessee, and cooking delicious food with my boyfriend, Will.

So here's to a summer filled with crafts, cooking, thrifting, & explorations!



My name is Jordan.

I love all things vintage, colorful, typographic, girly, witty, letterpressed, recycled, geeky, animal friendly, whimsical, numbered, organic, & handmade.



little chief honeybee.
Little Mascara
Simply Opinion


May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 February 2011 April 2011


