Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Back to Blogging @ 10:11 AM

So I thoroughly enjoyed my first week of blogging. Between starting the Etsy shop, garage sale hosting, car shopping, & diving into some sewing projects, I was forced to step away for a while.

Now that life has settled down and summer is starting to come to a close, I am ready share my daily adventures once again.

To start off, here's a few new sources of inspiration that have kept me going the last few weeks:

Bathroom Organization: Having curlyish, frizzy hair requires a variety of hair products, appliances, & all the other standard beauty supplies a girl must have. This has been one area of my tiny 700 sq ft apartment that I can not get into order. Lately, I have dove into issue after issue of Storage magazine and have done a lot of purging. I'm not quite there yet, but things are already looking a lot better!

Jeff Tweedy: If you are a Wilco fan, go buy this DVD right now. I promise you will love it. It has made me fall in love with my favorite Wilco songs all over again.

ReadyMade Magazine: Not only is the content of this magazine great, but I love the design of every single spread. Fun typography & illustrations make you want to try every recipe or DIY project. Dream job! They also have a great website with photos, projects, resources, & a blog I could get lost in for hours here.

Vintage Marquee Letters: I love thrifting. I love typography. I love that type has been a part of our culture for hundreds of years. These old marquee letters are such a tangible form of this love. Think of the many ways you could use them decorate your home. Start your collection today by shopping Etsy here.

Rural Tennessee: To be honest, I've always considered myself more of a city girl. But this summer I have found myself visiting the farms of friends like Caitlin & Kayla. Between soaking up the sun, going on crazy four wheeler adventures, and meeting a baby calf named Twinkle, I've found beauty in the rolling hills and animal life.

What kind of beauty has life surprised YOU with lately??

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My name is Jordan.

I love all things vintage, colorful, typographic, girly, witty, letterpressed, recycled, geeky, animal friendly, whimsical, numbered, organic, & handmade.



little chief honeybee.
Little Mascara
Simply Opinion


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